Short Range No Longer In Use
Short Range Notice
Following advice from Archery GB we have carried out an updated risk assessment on the outdoor ranges.
The short range (also known as ‘the somme’) does not meet the range criteria as set out by Archery GB and therefore anyone using the range will not be insured. If anything were to happen and anyone was injured (whether that be a club member or a member of the public) our insurance would not pay out and they would take action against the individual committee members. As you can imagine none of the committee wish to be put in that position.
Therefore we cannot allow shooting on the outdoor short range from now on. Neil will mark out 20 yards and 20 metres from the back of the container (then bosses aren’t having to be carried too far) and you can shoot away from the container. BUT ONLY IF THERE IS NO-ONE ELSE ON THE FIELD. IF ANYONE ELSE IS ON THE FIELD YOU MUST SHOOT TOWARDS THE CONTAINER ON THE MARKED OUT RANGE.
Please only shoot on the main football field from now on and at the pre-agreed times as stated last year. There is a copy of the timetable inside the container, or see here.
Thank you for your assistance.